Friday 8 January 2010

Character description and analysis

name : Jane
age : 24
personality: perfectionist - does not like a thing out of place e.g make up and hair
hard worker - works to maintain a good image and always wants to achieve best
self control/responsible - never gets drunk or had a one night stand. never daring or wild
perseverance- persistant to find perfect love partner always has to check date website
routine - without routine she feels unstable and fears the unknown
likes : romantic candlelight dinners
books - romance
dislikes : uncleanliness
appearance : smartly dresses, minimal make up never out of place
job : office job only temperary till she gets her nice rich husband to look after her which she becomes a housewife name

Name : Joe
age : 25
personality: risk taker - hates routine has no fear for the unknownloyal - always there whenever you need him even though likes taking risks
initiative - ready to lead things and know what a person wants even if dares them
independant- does not do what everyone tells him free spirit
easy going - likes to have a laugh takes life one step at a time
likes : adventure - rock climbing going around the world exploring coming unknown where to stay
dislikes : routine and rules
appearance : ungroomed rough look - still attractive
job : instructor at local adventure centre/ barman

man 1 : teacher : boring reels off useless facts and always has to have the limelight and corrects mistakes you may make.
man 2 : holiday rep: he said he was a rich footballer talks about nothing but sports
man 3 : everything she wanted but never turned up so Jane never found out

1 comment:

  1. some typos have messed with meaning here, so perhaps edit to make it clearer...the rest is fine, and your opposite characteristics in the lead protagonists is good
