Friday 13 November 2009

continuity piece-1 minute film

How we made our film:

first of all we made a story board which contained all the shots we were going to make into a sequence for our film. we had to include shot-reverse-shot, match on action an the 180 degree rule to make our continuity piece work. we then took our tripod and camera and found some actors/actresses to perform in the piece and also a location to film. as we were shooting the film we found it quite difficult to shoot as there were people walking through our shots which meant we had to keep re shooting and also the actors we found to perform were not really taking it seriously which meant we also had to keep re shooting for that reason which was quite frustrating. we then watched it back to check the piece actually worked. we weren't that happy about it and knew that it would probably need re shooting as there was a few pauses that didn't really carry on the flow of continuity but we thought we'd receive the criticism and advice before re-filming.

  • missing shot-reverse-shot
  • need to improve the match on action ( tighten the sequence up)
  • we have included the 180 degree rule and fully understood it
  • the concept of our idea was good, especially the part were we got the actors to walk through the door, just need to tighten it up
we are now going to re-shoot the piece and make sure we improve on all these suggestions.

1 comment:

  1. a good albeit succinct account of the process. good work, Amy. Please let me know if you have not received your storyboard.
