Friday 4 December 2009

Pitch 1. The Bind Date

Jane is looking for love and can’t seem to find it anywhere; she sets herself up on a dating website hoping to find Mr right on there. She gets a few messages on the website and decides to set up dates with the four men she is most matched to. She tells them all to meet her at the same place on different days of the week We get to see through Jane’s view how all the dates go and she narrates us through them with her thoughts, we get to know what she feels about their looks, dress sense, personality and most importantly to Jane the mans sparkling eyes. All of Jane’s dates are flops and after the fourth date she decides she is done with looking for love and sits in the cafĂ©/bar with her head held in her hands. Just as she says these words the cute new waiter comes over to offer her another drink, he asks Jane why she looks so down and as Jane sits and tells him the chemistry can be clearly seen. When the waiter, Joe, asks Jane on a date the next day Jane thinks he is taking pity on her but as she finds out on the date, they really fall for each other. Jane’s moral is that if you stop looking for love, love will find you.


The Main Pitch: what to include

Main idea full plot outline
Main characters- who are they- what is there relationship with each other?
What is the characters motivation
What are their characteristics
Locations- consider where you intend to film, explain why
Opening sequence- develop rough outline for this and include storyboard
Generic identifiers
Who do the audience know it is a specific genre? What are the ‘keys’ are being used to help the audience to indentify.

THE PITCH: idea 4


THE PITCH: idea 3




THE PITCH: idea 1


Friday 13 November 2009

Textual Analysis- Romantic Comedy-'The Proposal' (first 3m.51secs)

The proposal is an American romantic comedy starring Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds which was released in June 2009.

In the opening scene of the film the proposal, we are introduced to the female protagonist, Margret (Sandra Bullock). We as the audience can generalise the genre as a romantic comedy straight away by the upbeat music at the start of the credits (find my way, the Gabe Dixon band). As we are introduced to the male protagonist, Andrew, the genre defines itself and becomes clear. Margret is shown to be up, alert and on time as well as being portrayed as quite vain as we see her looking in the mirror pulling faces and examining her face. on the other hand Andrew is shown to be woken up late, rushing around and in hurry to get somewhere. We don't no how these characters know each other but we certainly know that its inevitable they do, as romantic comedies are based on the idea of boy meets girl, true love and especially the idea of the 'perfect couple'. The first few scenes are shot in the morning so the lighting is quite bright and fresh and we get a clear indication that the movie is set in new york, America when first we hear the coffee girl speak in a American accent and second of all when we see the yellow cabs in the hussel and bussel. As the opening scenes progress we can also see the high rise buildings in the back ground and the 'subways' which adds to the build up of location.
As the music fades out the location moves to an office block where we see Andrew, carrying coffee and looking very hurried. As we see him spill the coffee down himself he looks agitated and quite stressed. We get the idea that Margret has quite a high status, as she is dressed in a black skirt suit looking very much like a professional/business woman. The way she is walking and carrying her bag on her arm also gives the idea of this as she is quite poised as she walks calmly through the streets. Andrew, although dressed in a suit and tie, does not give the impression of being of high status. Even though he is dressed the way he is, he seems clumsy and rushed and also the way he picked up the coffee from Starbucks maybe gives the idea that he works in a place of high status but isn't of this status himself. This is confirmed when he asks one of his co-workers to swap shirts with him before his boss gets there as his is coffee stained. we then start to piece together that the female protagonist is his boss as she steps into the same building. We get confirmation of her high status as she walks through the office and everybody makes them self look busy and stops gossiping, but after she had disappeared they go back to the chatting and sitting around. This, along with the quirkey music in the background gives quite a comic effect that might make the audience laugh or smile and also maybe relates to real life in a sense. We see that Andrew is infact her assistant and that she is of high importance within the company, which we find out is a book publishing company, as she has her own office and also her own P.A.
This is quite typical of the opening to a romantic comedy as it has all the keep codes and conventions within it. Bright lighting, chirpy music, and storyline which gives obvious clues that suggest the characters will find each out they are attracted to one another/a perfect love match and end up together in the end. We as the audience see some of the plot before the characters do. The editing has been kept quite simple and there are various shots which include long shots to set the scene, close ups as we are introduced to the characters and also tracking shots as we see them on there journey to work. This helps the audience bulid up an understanding of the character as we follow them.
We know that as a Rom-Com, the film will be comic, and both aspects of romantic and comedy are submerged into the opening sequence of this film.

Romantic comedies

romantic comedies or Rom-Com's are light-hearted films with humorous plot lines which are mostly centered around two protagonists, usually a man and a woman who have to over come obstacles to find love with each other/prove their love for each other. It is often that the two characters are hesitant to get romantically involved with each other, but we as the audience are given teasers of what is going to happen. A good example of this is 'The Proposal'.

romantically comedies always have happy endings even if they don't turn out the way we think they will. This usually results in some comic friction as the protagonists declare their love for each other and end up together. The characters do not though necessarily have to get married or live 'happily ever after' as the basic plot of romantic comedies is to portray the importance of love between the protagonists.

Romantic comedy films are the sub-genre of comedy films and romantic comedies. They also incorporate screwball comedy in some Rom-Com's e.g. Knocked up, which attracts more of a male audience than a standard romantic comedy as it usually contains more sexual content and stoner comedy.

continuity piece-1 minute film

How we made our film:

first of all we made a story board which contained all the shots we were going to make into a sequence for our film. we had to include shot-reverse-shot, match on action an the 180 degree rule to make our continuity piece work. we then took our tripod and camera and found some actors/actresses to perform in the piece and also a location to film. as we were shooting the film we found it quite difficult to shoot as there were people walking through our shots which meant we had to keep re shooting and also the actors we found to perform were not really taking it seriously which meant we also had to keep re shooting for that reason which was quite frustrating. we then watched it back to check the piece actually worked. we weren't that happy about it and knew that it would probably need re shooting as there was a few pauses that didn't really carry on the flow of continuity but we thought we'd receive the criticism and advice before re-filming.

  • missing shot-reverse-shot
  • need to improve the match on action ( tighten the sequence up)
  • we have included the 180 degree rule and fully understood it
  • the concept of our idea was good, especially the part were we got the actors to walk through the door, just need to tighten it up
we are now going to re-shoot the piece and make sure we improve on all these suggestions.

Monday 9 November 2009

Horror films effectively center on the darker side of life, the forbidden, and strange and alarming events. Horror films are known to be unsettling films designed to frighten and panic, cause dread and alarm, and to invoke our hidden worst fears, often in a terrifying, shocking finale, while captivating and entertaining us at the same time. They deal with our most primal nature and its fears: our nightmares, our vulnerability, our alienation, our revulsions, our terror of the unknown, our fear of death and dismemberment, loss of identity, or fear of sexuality. Whatever dark, primitive, and revolting traits that both attract and repel us are featured in the horror genre. Most Horror films have the certificate 18.

horror movie conventions:
  • death
  • blood
  • killing
  • villain
  • victims
  • haunted house
  • isolated settings
  • monsters/ghosts/spirits
  • evil
  • gore
  • violence
  • darkness

Thrillers often take place wholly or partly in exotic settings such as foreign cities, deserts, polar regions, or high seas. The heroes in most thrillers are frequently "hard men" accustomed to danger e.g. law enforcement officers, spies, soldiers, seamen or aviators. However, they may also be ordinary citizens drawn into danger by accident. While such heroes have traditionally been men, women lead characters have become increasingly common.
Thrillers often overlap with mystery stories, but are distinguished by the structure of their plots. In a thriller, the hero must destroy the plans of an enemy, rather than uncover a crime that has already happened; while a murder mystery would be spoiled by a premature disclosure of the murderer's identity, in a thriller the identity of a murderer or other villain is typically known all along. Thrillers also occur on a much grander scale: the crimes that must be prevented are serial or mass murder, terrorism, assassination, or the overthrow of governments. Jeopardy and violent confrontations are standard plot elements. While a mystery
climaxes when the mystery is solved, a thriller climaxes when the hero finally defeats the villain, saving his own life and often the lives of others. In thrillers influenced by film noir and tragedy, the compromised Hero is often killed in the process .

Action thriller: In which the work often features a race against the clock, contains lots of violence, and an obvious antagonist. These films usually contain large amounts of guns, explosions, and large elaborate set pieces for the action to take place. These films often have elements of mystery films
and crime films but these elements take a backseat to action. E.g. James Bond

Crime thriller: This particular genre is a hybrid type of both crime films
and thrillers that offers a suspenseful account of a successful or failed crime or crimes. These films often focus on the criminal/criminals rather than a policeman. Crime thrillers usually emphasize action over psychological aspects. Central topics of these films include murders, robberies, chases, shootouts, and double-crosses are central ingredients. E.g. The Godfather